Friday, October 5, 2012

Solar Power - FedEx Top Solar User, Harvard Hosts Energy Seminar; ORP Provides Tidal Energy - Energy Min 9/26/12

FedEx has been named one of the top 20 commercial solar users in the US by the Solar Energy Industries Association. FedEx ranks 14th and 16th in capacity and number of systems. FedEx opened its first solar facility in 2005. Since then, its EarthSmart facilities have produced 18 gigawatt-hours of solar electricity, saving 6800 metric tons of carbon emissions. Harvard Business School will host a Global Energy Seminar for energy leaders and executives in the fields of development, technology, utilities, distribution, and finance. The Seminar will explore current issues and challenges facing the globalized and regulated energy sector. The event takes place on the HBS campus on November 4th through the 7th. The Cobsock Bay Tidal Energy Project is providing power to the grid for the Bangor Hydro Electric Company in Maine. A project of the Ocean Renewable Power Company, it is the first ocean energy effort of any kind to feed electricity to a US electric grid. The tidal energy project has received funding from the Department of Energy, the Maine Technology Institute, and private investors. For more information on these and other stories, go to The Energy Minute is produced for 3BL Media by Video4Good

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