Ryder will deploy a fleet of 240 natural gas vehicles and will build natural gas vehicle maintenance infrastructure in California, Arizona, and Michigan. Ryder is targeting emerging markets for fuel-efficient vehicles in an alliance with Source Interlink to provide natural gas vehicles. Ryder's Flex-to-Green lease program promotes the use of alternative fuel vehicles to its customers. Georgia Power is planning to triple its use of solar electricity in one of the largest, voluntarily developed solar portfolios by an investor-owned US utility. The Georgia Power Advanced Solar Initiative targets delivery of 210 megawatts of solar power by 2015, enough to supply 20000 households. Georgia is ranked among the top ten states for solar resources, such as available sunlight. Hilton has received a 2012 Green Power Leadership Award from the EPA. Hilton is one of only four organizations nationwide to be chosen as a Green Power Partner of the Year. Hilton is currently purchasing 315 million kilowatt-hours of green power annually, enough to meet 94 percent of the company's purchased electricity use. For more information on these and other stories, go to www.csrminute.com. The Energy Minute is produced for 3BL Media by Video4Good www.video4good.com
Ryder Natural Gas Vehicles; Georgia Power to Triple Solar; EPA Award to Hilton- Energy Min 10/4/12 https://t.co/vyuxgzWw
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