Tuesday, July 17, 2012

renewable energy - euronews interview - Jeremy Rifkin and 'lateral power' energy

www.euronews.com Meet the author of a work about staving off our own extinction: Jeremy Rifkin, who advises the European Commission. He is an American economist. He has just published 'The Third Industrial Revolution', which argues that the human species is coming to the end of a cycle. In it, he looks at economic desperation, climate change and the exhaustion of fossil fuel supplies, and contends that only a sweeping adoption of alternative energy sources and what he calls 'lateral power' will ensure that we enjoy our future, and prepare a happy one for our children. Maxime Biosse Duplan spoke to the author on the terrace of the Fine Arts Museum in the French city of Lyon, where euronews is based, about awareness of our whole biosphere. Maxime Biosse Duplan, euronews: Mr Rifkin, you've said it is highly unlikely that human beings will manage to survive on this planet. We hear a lot of talk about economic crisis, but you say we are threatened with extinction. Isn't this vision a bit pessimistic? Jeremy Rifkin: You know, 99.5% of all the species that have ever lived on this planet have come and gone. It is hubris to believe that somehow we are going to live in perpetuity here. And so I think this is a moment of crisis. We are now paying the bill for 200 years of an industrial revolution based on fossil fuels. We spew too much CO2 and methane and nitrous oxide into the atmosphere. We can't get enough of the sun's heat off the planet, and what we are seeing here is a <b>...</b>


euronews interview - Jeremy Rifkin and 'lateral power' energy - http://t.co/mUM20Mi81:27 AM Sun Jul 15, 2012 via WordTwit Plugin

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