Sunday, March 4, 2012

Solar Energy - Israeli Solar Power: Renewable Light To The Nations

A cutting edge Israeli company demonstrates the reality of solar power on a large scale. Yishai Fleisher, Managing Editor, visits Arava Power in Kibbutz Ketura 50 km north of Eilat in Southern Israel. He interviews Yosef Abramowitz (President of Arava Power). Arava Power has built Israel's first commercial solar field which is also the first solar power farm array in the Middle East. This solar field will soon be ramping up to a gigantic 40 megawatts of power which will meet a full third of the power needs of the city of Eilat. Eilat uses 120 megawatts at peak energy (all air conditioners on in every house and every hotel). Music by RebbeSoul:

In the News:

pv magazine

MENA region holds great solar potential, as West faces uncertain 2012
pv magazine
Ernst and Young asserts that 2012's solar prospects look uncertain, particularly in the West, due to the ongoing Eurozone crisis and renewable energy policy makers. However, emerging markets and, in particular, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) ...

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Israel set to demolish EU-funded renewables projects
Six EU-funded wind and solar energy projects which provide electricity for 600 West Bank Palestinians have been put on a 'demolition list' by Israel, allegedly in response to an EU heads of mission report which called for laws to prevent the financing ...

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Arizona Capitol Times

Company promotes new solar power vision for Arizona
Arizona Capitol Times
By Cale Ottens, Cronkite News Service A solar tulip-shaped tower stands at a site in Almeria, Spain. The 100-foot-tall tower generates 100 kilowatts of power. (Photo by Aora Solar) Until now, visions of Arizona homes powered by renewable energy have ...

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Israeli 'power flower' coming to US desert
Jerusalem Post
Amid a sea of 52 heliostat solar panels, which revolve according to the sun's light along two axes, a 35-meter tulip-shaped tower holds a solar receiver that heats the air to 1000-degrees Celsius to power a gas turbine. The company's first plant opened ...

and more » (blog)

Energy independence for U.S., Maine comes at a price (blog)
Since the 1970s, the United States has worried about the security of its oil supply and its dependence on the politically-volatile Middle East. Because of the dangers in the Israeli-Arab conflict, the US has tried to reduce dependence on Middle East ...

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Israeli Solar Power: Renewable Light To The Nations AM Sun Mar 4, 2012 via

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