For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛ Stability and growth of the renewable energy market in Europe were on the agenda at an energy conference in Brussels. European policymakers joined forces with other major stakeholders to chart the way forward for energy policy in the EU. European Union policymakers join forces with business leaders and representatives of civil society at an energy conference in Brussels to chart the way forward for energy policy in the EU. Friday's conference, called "Stability and Growth: Towards a Renewable European Energy Market" focused on tackling two major energy issues facing the EU. One is how to ensure that the energy targets for the year 2020 are met in the current economic climate in Europe. The second is to draft targets for the year 2030. [Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Energy]: "So, are we on the right track to achieve our 2020 renewables target and to continue bringing about the large volume of renewables that the Roadmap says is necessary?" One of the 2020 targets is that 20-percent of all energy in Europe should come from renewable sources, including solar power, wind and biomass among others. The push to de-carbonize the energy sector and the problem of growing dependency on fossil fuel imports were issues highlighted at the conference. The European Union now sends 300 billion euros overseas every year to import fossil fuel—money that could be kept in <b>...</b>
In the News:
Europe Commits to Renewable Energy NTDTV Friday's conference, called "Stability and Growth: Towards a Renewable European Energy Market" focused on tackling two major energy issues facing the EU. One is how to ensure that the energy targets for the year 2020 are met in the current economic ... and more » |
A zero-sum carbon game? Utility Products While Germany was trying to drive down greenhouse gas emissions by promoting alternative energies, the European Union started a different climate change policy by installing an emissions trading scheme. This scheme was based on the 'cap-and-trade' ... |
John Kerry says GOP 'ideological rigidity and stupidity' hurting Congress, country He complained China is spending 9 percent of its Gross Domestic Product on infrastructure and Europe 5 percent, while the US commits less than 2 percent. And Kerry said the US has ceded the renewable energy market to more aggressive rivals, ... and more » |
Future contribution of Concentrating Solar Power REVE And it locks in Europe's exposure to fossil fuel price escalation and volatility. Variable renewable sources such as wind power, solar energy PV and marine energy will be required to play a major role in Europe's 2050 electricity system, ... and more » |
Sizing Up Bingaman's Clean-Energy Standard National Journal (blog) Retiring Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Jeff Bingaman, DN.M., introduced a measure last week that requires utilities to generate an increasing amount of the country's electricity through the use of renewable energy such as wind and solar ... and more » |
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