The Free Power Company shows it's exciting new renewable energy and other useful inventions! The Inventions include: ECO GENERATOR: A Silent, Portable, Powerful, No Fuel, No Pollution Eco Generator for off the grid electricity for a whole house or office or worksite! Up to 20000 watts of portable electricity! A COMPRESSED AIR AND WATER GENERATOR - Amazing technology which uses the Eco Generator to power up an air compressor which in turns powers up a motor. The compressed air is redistributed to turn a turbine for electricity generator and regeneration. It runs on fresh air! A MAINS AND TIDAL WATER GENERATOR - Use the power of the tide near water or connect to your water mains power for turbine generation. Electricity can be generated with this awesome technology. A CHAINLESS BIKE - A bike with no chain at all, uses a 3 stage gearbox for changing of gears and uses a drive shaft to drive the bike! This invention will revolutionise the world of bike or bicycle riding, no more grease isses with clothing, no more chains coming loose, less byicycle accidents, less worries on the bike! A WHEELIE BIN LID OPENER - Never touch a dirty bin lid again! Using a simple attachment at the bottom of a wheelie bin and an adjustable connector at the handle of the bin, people can now have a completely foot operated bin lid opener without using the hands whatsoever! Less germs, less bacteria, less filth and less worries! Tried and tested for 4 years with garbage truck collections with no <b>...</b>
In the News:
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Globe and Mail | Sonata's beauty is more than skin deep Globe and Mail Moreover, if necessity is the mother of invention and a spur to innovation, then coming late to the gasoline-electric hybrid game has helped Hyundai, not hurt the South Korean car company. Guin, a senior Hyundai engineer at the Hyundai-Kia America ... and more » |
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