www.MyGreenEnergyROI.com The One stop Renewable Energy Shop Geothermal energy is often the "forgotten renewable energy." While some parts of the world and regions are able to access large-scale geothermal power production, the use of distributed geothermal energy to regulate temperatures and limit the costs of heating and air-conditioning use could promote huge efficiencies in geothermal energy use across the entire US. Add to that a touch of Solar energy and what you have is a highly efficient green energy home with absolutely NO green-house gases. Solar energy and geothermal power are both renewable energy sources to be immdeiately tapped Investors and players in the renewable energy business often focus on the flashiest technologies, ranging from highly visible solar and wind in the generation sector to next-generation smart meters monitoring usage on the customer level. But not many realize if you combine the under dog Geothermal energy with Flashy Solar energy you get the ultimate cost effective solution with costs for the geothermal power and solar energy being about 35% lees than using just solar! The name of the game is build houses facing solar south for solar energy and install geothermal energy from the get-go and you instantly have a net-zero energy home. All renewable, all free once the initial investment is paid and will produce for 50 plus years Go to www.mygreenenergyroi.com to findout more about solar energy and it's kindred spirit geothermal power
Geothermal Energy With Solar Energy, Tomorrow's Renewable Energy Solution Here Today http://t.co/oGNPZrS
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