Monday, September 5, 2011

Residential Wind Power - Wind & Solar Energy Industry Panel (Pt. 8)

How does Wind Power work? How does Solar Energy work? Does Renewable Energy have the potential to offset fossil fuels? And if so, when? Should I put a solar panel or wind turbine on my roof? How much will it cost me? Who is hiring? Get the scoop on the state of the Renewable Energy Field straight from industry insiders Adam Serchuk and Chance Currington. Students were able to ask questions in a panel format after the presentations. Serchuk is the Director of Market Intelligence for Vestas Wind Systems, the largest manufacturer of wind turbines in the world. Serchuk is responsible for forecasting the world's energy portfolio and Vestas' opportunities. Currington, is Sales Manager and Lead Systems Designer for Sunlight Solar Energy Inc, an Oregon solar provider. Currington is an expert on solar incentives and tax credits to homeowners. Recorded at Clackamas Community College in Oregon City, Oregon as part of the Annual Sustainability Lecture Series on May 5th, 2011. The Renewable Energy & Sustainability Center Depts.Clackamas.Edu/Sustainability Vestas Sunlight Solar Energy Inc. Check out the rest of the Sustainability Lecture Series videos on Clackamas Community College's Youtube channel or in DVD format from the Dye Library.

In the News:

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“That will help a rapid expansion of industry-use and utility-use solar systems.” The legislation allows for a “feed-in tariff” or incentives that guarantee above-market rates for producers of wind, solar and geothermal energy. The subsidies are part ...
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According to ERCOT records wind power accounts for 12 percent of installed capacity on the grid, and 8 percent of energy generated in 2010. Other energies, including biomass and solar account for 2 percent of installed capacity on the grid and 1 ...

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He said: “The farming community in particular is showing a real interest in power generated by the wind and the sun. We've all known about the value of naturally sourced energy for some years but the introduction of the Government's Feed-in Tariff, ...

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The US Department of Energy says materials used in four clean energy technologies: wind turbines, electric vehicles, solar cells and energy efficient lighting, are critical now. The American Physical Society's Panel on Public Affairs and the Materials ...

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As We See It: Seeing red on green tech
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Does this mean clean energy jobs are an illusion and government should not invest in what has become a politically trendy industry? No. Businesses fail all the time. It may take decades to create a sustainable, thriving business model for solar, wind ...

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Cool Video- Wind & Solar Energy Industry Panel (Pt. 8) AM Tue Aug 30, 2011 via twitterfeed

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