Thursday, January 5, 2012

Solar Energy - How Much Solar Panels Saves on a Monthly Electric Bill ?

Watch the "Sunshine House". Mr. Bradman from Virginia is using a solar oven for cooking. It has drastically reduced his electric bills. It used to be $150 per month. Now it is just around $28 per month. This reduction has come at a high cost of solar panels' installation ( around $25000 ). So it will take years to pay up for themselves. The system installed in the house is capable of producing half the power required. They are using solar power to run electric bike and some other household appliances. So it saves Gasoline consumption too. Amount of energy saved per year is 6000 KWh!

In the News:

How solar power can help the billion people without electricity
The Guardian
Nor, for the record, do the electrified middle class pay for electricity up front. When I moved into my house in San Francisco, I did not get a bill for my share of the power plants and transmission grid that give me power each month. ...

and more »

Solar Energy Project Expected To Save Town $130000 Annually
Hartford Courant
By MICHAEL WALSH, Special to the Courant The Hartford Courant VERNON — A solar energy project that will provide electricity for the town's waste treatment facility is expected to save the town roughly $130000 a year on its utility bill, according to ...

and more »

New Business Model for Solar Energy
The city-owned electric utility built a solar farm and offered shares to its customers. In the first phase, an array of 60 solar panels was installed outside the municipal utility building. For $750, utility customers can buy all the power generated by ...

Airdrome Orchards harvests the Sun to package its oranges and saves 90% on ...
AltEnergyMag (press release)
Their most recent decision to install solar is the latest in their innovative decision-making process. Airdrome's brand new large-scale commercial solar installation will offset approximately 90% of the packinghouse's current electricity bill. ...

Solar panels at old North Haven dump to save town millions
The town's UI bill would be credited by the amount of electricity generated by the solar installation and supplemented with a new bill at a lower rate, Landino said. In March, Greenskies will submit a bid to the state to have UI pay for solar energy ...
Solar Cells Promise Cost Cuts in North

all 2 news articles »


SO: How Much Solar Panels Saves on a Monthly Electric Bill ? PM Wed Jan 4, 2012 via Solar Water Heater

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