Visit : And Discover Edisons secret on producing free energy, Tomas Edisons secret is not the solar panels or the wind turbine but the magnetic Earth Core , so this way this generator produces electrical energy, with the help of earth core and grounding, which can be used just like the solar panels and wind turbines.This personal power system can be connected to the entire power grid and excess produced power can be inserted into the grid and if you produce enough power you might even make money. The solar air and water heater are made from every day materials and are so easy to build that even a child can make them; all you need are the instructions.Solar panels, wind turbines can be bought but why spend a lot of money for something you can do yourself. The entire system can be made by anyone without any technical expertise. All you need are the instructions and the materials. Thomas Edisons secret provides detailed instructions on making everything you need for supplying your house with alternate energy sources.If you are interested in reducing or even eliminating your electric bills you have to try out alternative ways (such as the magnetic generator, solar panels and wind turbines) for producing electrical energy and thus creating an eco friendly home. Nowadays, energy sources are being massively exploited due to increased industrialization in the world. This means that in perceivable future fossil fuel reserves would disappear from our planet <b>...</b>
In the News:
Consumers, DTE making progress on 10% renewable energy requirement by 2015 Detroit Free Press JESSICA J. TREVINO/Detroit Free Press By Kathleen Gray State law requires utilities to provide 10% of their electricity generation through renewable sources, such as wind, solar or hydroelectric power. Renewable energy sources: 13 hydroelectric plants; ... and more » |
USA TODAY | Beginning of end for old-fashioned light bulbs CBS News Is having to recycle a few light-bulbs per year really worth ruining our planet? by Noval53 December 30, 2011 3:58 PM EST The Edison Era is ending and the Tesla Era continues. Tesla was a greater mind and inventor anyway. Alternating current, electric ... How will light bulbs change? Here are some answersUSA TODAY US begins to phase out incandescent all 149 news articles » |
Consumers making the switch Chicago Tribune Once a wide-scale smart grid rollout begins in 2013, Nevels said, consumers will likely see many competitors offering free products to help manage electricity usage and energy efficiency in exchange for signing up. Until then, customer switching in ... |
Washington Examiner | Grants for renewable energy test party principles Washington Examiner Cedro Hill is owned by Edison International, whose former CEO, John Bryson, recently joined the Obama administration as commerce secretary. And in September, major Obama booster Duke Energy got a $111 million subsidy as a reward for building the Top of ... |
ThinkProgress | Grover Norquist Spreads Lies About Renewable Energy Standards ThinkProgress A recent request for proposals by Southern California Edison (one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the country) found that solar power is already among the cheapest ways for them to generate new electricity. Could we see some future price ... and more » |
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