Monday, January 2, 2012

Solar Electricity - Good Energy - Solar Power at Home,good

Beautiful orrery(solar system model) avaiable in : .In the Herefordshire countryside a couple use solar panels at home to heat water and generate electricity and help them to lead the good life.

In the News:

Ballard home generates more power than it uses
Seattle Post Intelligencer
That's less than the price of some townhouses in the area, thanks to slightly modified stock house plans from Zero-Energy Plans, a Whidbey Island design company. The builder is TC Legend Homes. The home's power production comes from a 6000-watt solar ...

Doncaster No1 for solar panels
The Sun
By BRIAN FLYNN It may be in South Yorkshire — the UK's 44th sunniest county — but canny folk there have been taking advantage of a Government solar energy scheme. A massive 1097 families now have panels on their homes. And the next three top places ...

Towns puzzled over solar panel taxes
Milford Daily News
She said the more efficient systems almost always sell energy back to the grid, disqualifying them from a Massachusetts law (Chapter 59 Section 5) that exempts solar panels from tax for 20 years. Hopkinton Deputy Assessor Jon Steinberg said the town ...

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Grant money available for solar systems
Boulder County Business Report
To date, grant recipients have installed about 435 kilowatts worth of photovoltaic solar panels and two solar thermal systems, the city said. Boulder City Council members approved the city's renewable energy fund in November 2006. ...

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On this boat in Jacksonville, sunshine means power
Florida Times-Union
At a Northside Jacksonville marina, the 72-year-old businessman and former photographer has been outfitting a 108-foot boat with enough solar panels to supply more power than an average home uses. “I'm not afraid to try and to fail,” said Tomasic, ...


The Good, the bad and the ugly: Solar thermal energy: Water heating and home heating at a low price The use of s... PM Tue Dec 27, 2011 via twitterfeed

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