Monday, January 2, 2012

Residential Wind Power - Residential Wind Turbine & Energy Audit

Weknow Technologies Inc - Wind, Solar & Energy Experts.

In the News:

Rural wishes can no longer be ignored
London Free Press
At the risk of blowing in the wind once too often, let me repeat that the single most important issue continues to be the wind factories that are springing up on farmland around the province. There is compelling evidence that these turbines cause ...

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From wind turbine to wetlands garden, Cape May has very green plans for 38 ...
Press of Atlantic City
“It's the first wind turbine at a school in New Jersey. There will be a kiosk there giving the wind speed and the energy created,” Rutala said. Mahaney said the park and the sustainability efforts will help Cape May provide the quality of life to ...

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The Guardian

Guantánamo Bay's green regime has prison limits
The Guardian
The 80-metre wind turbines churning the skies above Guantánamo Bay are visible from the air long before touchdown on this US-controlled tip of Cuba. Navy press releases went out when the four towers were erected, hailing them as a symbol of its great ...

State view: Wind energy isn't reducing carbon emissions
Duluth News Tribune
He has accused people who support wind energy of believing in fairy tales. A recent Sunday Telegraph audit of Britain's 3419 turbines revealed that 2276 either are fully or partly owned by foreign businesses, which receive about $800 million a year in ...

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Convenience store taps solar, wind power
Daily Inter Lake
Flathead County granted Midway Mini Mart a conditional-use permit to install the wind turbine. It will be the first commercial wind turbine in the Flathead Valley, Arcel said. The 2.4-kilowatt turbine will start producing energy when the wind is 6 ...


Residential Wind Turbine & Energy Audit: Weknow technologies inc wind, solar & energy experts. PM Wed Dec 28, 2011 via twitterfeed

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