Thursday, November 3, 2011

solar power companies - Solar Power Becoming More Affordable for Developing World

It is the cleanest, most abundant energy source. But solar power faces the challenge of affordability and efficiency, especially if such systems are to be widely installed in the developing world. Progress is being made. Scores of Chinese companies are touting their latest solar electronic components and products at an international trade fair in Hong Kong. VOA Correspondent Steve Herman reports.

In the News:

Solar Products Becoming More Affordable for Developing World
Voice of America
Friday, 14 October 2011 Solar Products Becoming More Affordable for Developing World Steve Herman | Hong Kong It is the cleanest, most abundant energy source. But solar power faces the challenge of affordability and efficiency, especially if such ...

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Secretary Chu: America Faces a Choice to “Compete in the Clean Energy Race” or ...
Last year, China offered roughly $30 billion in government financing to its solar companies, including $7 billion to Suntech. At least 10 countries have adopted renewable electricity standards, and more than 50 countries offer some type of public ...

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Future Perfect: Floating Solar Panels to Generate Green Energy while On the Waves
Power Engineering Magazine
Furthermore, it could be a very good way of producing energy as an alternative source as our non-renewable resources are getting depleted at an alarming rate. It could also help to bring down the rates of electricity and make it more affordable.

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Green Building in India: What Are the Challenges Facing Sustainable Architecture?
In India, environmental agendas and green buildings are often based on the precedents of developed countries. The 2004 draft for the National Environmental Policy of India received heavy criticism for this reason. The issue of energy efficiency is more ...

Hypergrid Business

ScienseSim land grants announced
Hypergrid Business
These are conceptual models of how such human activity can settle the Solar System in real life. “We use these virtual world projects to contact other researchers, educate the public about how human spaceflight can become more widely affordable, ...

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