Friday, December 16, 2011

solar power companies - SOLAR STIRLING ELECTRIC GENERATOR - FREE HOME ENERGY is a revolutionary invention that uses the sun to create free electricity. And no, we are not talking about the solar panel. This is a different solar energy generator called the Stirling Plant, it is a system that harnesses up to 12x more energy than the expensive solar photovoltaic energy systems. The best part about it, it is much cheaper to build than regular solar panels, and it is easy to build, meaning you do not have to have any technical skills prior to building it. The Solar Stirling Plant harnesses the power of the sun, thus it produces free and clean renewable energy and it works fully off the grid. This is a new method of generating free energy. The concept of the Solar Stirling Plant has been researched for quite a while, and now after the we perfected the design and simplified it to a point that everybody can design it, we decided to make it available to the public. The Solar Stirling Plant operates by using a parabolic reflector dishes to gather all the sun rays which are focused and concentrated into one single spot - wich is in focus of the parabolic dish, where the stirling engine will be placed. When the sun rays are focused into one spot on which the solar stirling plant is located, the temperature difference makes the engine rotate at a fast pace and create massive amounts of energy, unseen by other renewable energy devices such as solar panels or wind turbines. As a source of heat the Solar Stirling Plant uses parabolic <b>...</b>

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Single particle is the smallest Stirling engine yet
New Scientist
The 200-year-old Stirling engine has inspired a power generator made of a single particle just 3 micrometres wide. Overshadowed by its steam and internal combustion brethren, the Stirling engine is a quiet, efficient alternative that compresses a fixed ...

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Do Five 'C's Equal A Market Crash?
The Market Oracle
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Concentrated Solar Power Company Infinia Raises $4 Million
Earlier this year, the company completed the first commercial installation of the PowerDish, which combines a free-piston Stirling engine with a dish-style solar concentrator to produce 3.2kW of “grid-quality” AC power. The company has now entered into ...

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