Saturday, April 9, 2011

Solar Power - Solar Power Panels.avi Many people would love to go solar in their homes. In places where homes aren't built near a pre-existing grid, solar power is often much more reasonable than having wires run out. The fact that energy prices have been steadily rising also helps solar energy appear more reasonably priced. The cost is almost all upfront, which is perhaps the greatest challenge. A good solar power system sufficient to heat the average home in the United States runs many thousands of dollars. However it also offers tremendous savings over time. Some people even generate enough excess to where they sell electricity back. Having the power company pay you has an appeal, especially if you aren't paying them anything anymore. This means that you will save money on your electrical costs and at the same time you will also help to reduce the pollution caused by the fossil fueled power plants. States start encouraging solar power as well. Many offer rebates or tax incentives to homeowners who install solar panels, and some are starting to look at businesses as well. Choosing solar power still isn't the easiest thing. As with other home improvements there's a lot of paperwork, plus finding a reputable contractor with good solar panel installation experience. But things are definitely looking up.

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