Monday, January 2, 2012

Residential Wind Power - Home Wind Turbine, Home Wind Turbines

Download Link: - - Home Wind Turbines, We patented the home wind turbine kit for people to easily install and deploy a home wind turbine. Home wind turbines for business, farm, and residential. Our home wind turbine is a precision machined and well balanced home wind turbine. Our patented rooftop home wind turbine kits have hybrid wind technology. We invented the only rooftop home wind turbine that's safe and quiet for your home, certified in every state to 130mph. WindEnergy7 LLC is an Ohio based manufacturer of home wind turbine kits that are sold online. We hold patents for our home wind turbine inventions, home wind turbine kits that make rooftop wind possible. We have a growing dealer network of individuals in the US who use our home wind turbines, an installed base stretching from Hawaii to Massachusetts, Canada, Europe. Many customers have found it easy to become customer/dealers with our home wind turbine training. Our home wind turbine systems all qualify for the IRS 30% small wind tax credit which pays for 30% of your home wind turbine and installation costs.

In the News:

Palm Beach Post

Power-generating wind turbines might rise near Belle Glade
Palm Beach Post
Plans call for the $300 million to $350 million wind farm to produce 200 megawatts of power - enough electricity for 55000 to 65000 homes, Saiz said. It could be completed by late 2013, providing approximately 250 jobs during construction and 15 to 20 ...

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Energy Adviser: Wind turbines may be breeze for your home
The Columbian
With home-based alternative and renewable energy technology receiving more attention every year, it may seem like a good idea to have a wind turbine spinning outside your back door. Wind energy could offset some of your utility bill as well as help the ...

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Home design for the zombie-pocalypse
TG Daily
... and a handy wind turbine that goes up on top like a flagpole. So whether you and your family/friends happen to wind up in the zombie-free lands of sunny Arizona or windy South Dakota, your electricity needs will be covered with renewable energy. ...

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4 Clean Energy Stocks With Money Making Potential
Its home market, Europe, where Vestas usually receives about 50% of its business, has been beset by financial uncertainty. Its next most important market, the United States, is similarly difficult to plan in as tax support for wind energy is currently ...

Oswego County farmers turn to wind power to help lower their energy bills
It deals primarily with farms, homes and small businesses. The company is helping Gianetto and the Dan Dunsmoor farm in Oswego and John Dunsmoor farm in Scriba harness the wind coming off nearby Lake Ontario. Gianetto uses about 26000 kilowatt hours of ...

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Home Wind Turbines: One Huge Mistake That Is Super-easy To Make Posted By: Roger Brown: Residential wind turbine... PM Mon Jan 2, 2012 via twitterfeed

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