Friday, January 6, 2012

renewable energy - Renewable energy innovation in Pakistan

Aka Khan Planning and Building Service CEO discusses energy plans that earned a Zayed Future Energy Prize nomination.

In the News:

Lighting up lives
Khaleej Times
The company's renewable energy initiatives are focused on the biomass and solar sectors with profits recycled into new investments. How do you think the Zayed future energy prize contributes to the future of innovation in energy and sustainability? ...

Energy efficiency top of the agenda as advance registrations for WFES 2012 surge
WAM - Emirates News Agency
Now in its fifth year, the World Future Energy Summit is the world's foremost annual meeting committed to promoting advancement of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and the water and waste sectors. The annual summit engages political, business, ...

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"Energy Reality"
Energy Collective
That is precisely the energy reality we should be pursuing: tapping the hydrocarbon riches with which the US is endowed, in order to reduce our dependence on unstable foreign suppliers, even as we ramp up the wind, solar, biofuel and other renewable ...

and more »

Shale Gas Turns the Tables on Petroleum Powers
Inter Press Service
As gas supplies grow, "fossil fuels may become cheaper, the growth of alternative energies will slow down, and new alliances, investments and trade networks will be established," Terrero said. Global proven reserves of conventional gas total 6608 ...

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Blumenthal Works on the Edges, Out of the Spotlight
Housatonic Times
One of those areas is referenced via the Community College Innovation Act Blumenthal has introduced. The legislation, he said during a visit Wednesday to Northwest Connecticut Community College in Winsted, would provide funds for workforce development ...


Good stuff being done by AKDN Renewable energy innovation in Pakistan (from @cnn)2:20 AM Fri Jan 6, 2012 via CNN App for iPad

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